I was escorted into a dimly lit room. People in the room started leaving. I was injured badly. My head was spinning. I could see two of everything. I told myself to focus and I started looking for clues. My surroundings hinted that I was in a hospital.

There was an operating table beside me. Now I understood where the dim light was coming from. I was in an operating room. Those doctors were going to operate on me. A nurse came in. I recognized her on the first look.  She was the same bitch that put me back in here. She had a tray in front of her. That bitch came near me and said, “Choose one and choose wisely.” She offered me the tray. I could see a paper, a scissor, an injection and a red flower. My my mind wanted me to choose the injection but my instincts wanted me to choose the flower. I never listened to my instinct but today, I did the unexpected. I chose the red flower.

The Task

She said, “You know the rules, escape the hospital premises without using anything but that rose.” She clicked her fingers and vanished into thin air.

I was angry with my choice. There was no way to win now. Suddenly the door opened and a few doctors stepped in. I ran like hell pushing all of them away.

I didn’t know where I was going. An exit was visible in front of me. Everybody was trying to grab me. When I got out of the hospital I saw bulls. When they saw the red color of the rose, they charged towards me. I saw guards coming towards me. It was clear what I had to do.

I waited for the right moment and then tossed the rose into one of the guard’s hand. Narrowly escaping, I ran for the main exit and I was out. Suddenly I vanished and landed onto a flight of stairs that were unending and winding down towards nowhere…

Stay tuned for more crisp…