There are many haunted places in the world but the most haunted place on earth is The New House Crematory. It may just be an urban legend or there may be some truth behind it but after reading the story of this crematorium, no one would want to go here.
There are two most common ways to say goodbye to a departed individual. People either bury their dead or incinerate them with wood and fire. The government sanctioned crematorium and burial ground in East Delhi had facilities for both these rituals.
This crematorium and cemetery followed the old ways in which the body was kept on flammable logs of wood and set ablaze in a religious ritual. The ritual wasn’t very eco-friendly which is why Melinda Newhouse decided to lend the government some money to get it renovated.
Melinda Newhouse was personally looking over the renovation so she decided to add an electric cremation chamber as well as a funeral house. The new building was being constructed on a part of the cemetery. The locals had warned about the wrath of the benevolent spirits but Melinda wasn’t afraid.
Once the construction was complete, weird things started to happen. Things from the funeral house started disappearing. Light bulbs started breaking. Flowers that were set up a night before, went missing the next day. Melinda suspected that the locals were behind this so she decided to live at the crematory for a few days.
The funeral house had lodges for funeral attendees that weren’t locals. Melinda decided to stay the night in one of these rooms. It was around 8 at night when Melinda reached the funeral house. The gatekeeper handed her the key and went home. She was all alone in The Newhouse Crematory which would soon come to be known as the most haunted place on earth.
The lodges were in the funeral house and the funeral house was beside the crematory. The rest of the land belonged to the cemetery. To reach the funeral house, one had to use a narrow passage which went through the cemetery. Melinda flipped the flashlight toggle on her phone and started walking.
Melinda had done a great deal in beautifying the area. It didn’t look eerie but still Melinda kept feeling as if she was being watched. She just brushed away the feeling thinking that it was either the locals or she was just being paranoid.
There was a staircase to her right which leaded to the lodges as she entered the funeral house. The first thing she did when she reached her room was change into her jammies. She was never comfortable in her work clothes. After that she went to brush her teeth.
A cool breeze whisked over her shoulder as she was brushing her teeth. She looked around to find where the breeze came from but was unable to pinpoint the source. The same cool breeze whisked over her shoulder again but this time it was accompanied by a faint whisper. It could be just her imagination but she thought she heard a little girl saying, ‘You will die tonight!’
Her heart started beating faster. She waited for something to happen but nothing did so she went back to brushing her teeth.
After rinsing, she heard a loud thud downstairs. She rushed down the stairs to see that the main door had flew open due to strong winds. She could swear that she locked the door but there was no lock on the door. After closing the door, she latched it properly and locked it.
As soon as she did that, she heard footsteps coming from inside the funeral hall. “Who is it?” she shouted, her hands were trembling as she tried to reach the door knob of the funeral hall door. A child’s laughter echoed the hollow funeral hall as a reply to her question. She freaked out but opened the door anyway. To her surprise, the funeral hall was completely empty.
The Haunted Casket
She went in to look around but there was no one there. She called out, “If it is one of you locals who is trying to scare me, I will be pressing charges in the morning!” There was no reply. Melinda could see a pale yellow light coming from a window. The furnace in the crematory was on. As she looked out the window, she saw a shadow lurking in the crematory. She had found the culprit of the hauntings and she was about to catch the person red handed. Suddenly, she heard a creaking sound behind her.
She slowly turned around to see what made that sound. The empty casket kept on the mantle opened on its own. Reluctant to look what caused this, she stepped back. Out of nowhere, a bloodied apparition was sitting on the opened casket. To her disbelief, the apparition was of her younger brother who died in a bike accident a month ago. She fell back, aghast of what her eyes were seeing. The corpse lifted its fingers, pointing to the pale yellow fire as it let out the following words from its pale, dried up lips, “Don’t go there!” After the ghostly warning, the supernatural phenomenon went up in smokes.
The Crematorium
“It’s just a hallucination”, she thought. Melinda opened the funeral house’s main door and stepped out. She started walking towards the crematorium with a purpose. Miss Newhouse had planned to catch the culprit for scaring people and she was about to do that.
She opened the crematorium and flipped the light switch on. Fluctuations in voltage caused the light bulb to burst making the furnace flame the only source of light. As Melinda’s eyes adjusted, she noticed something peculiar.
The crematorium had changed. Melinda had done a lot of enhancements to the place but the crematorium looked exactly the way it used to be. The furnace was gone and a pile of wood was burning in its place. The wood pile was surrounded by pentagon and rectangular metal plaques. There was a cross in front of this furnace and the cross seemed upside down due to the bad lighting. The wallpaper had worn off and the entire area looked broken and grim. The most haunted place on earth played mind games with her.
She walked closer to the fire to examine what had happened. A faint humming sound was audible behind her. The sound kept becoming louder as if whoever was making the sound was coming close to her. The sound abruptly stopped. Melinda could feel something breathing down her neck. Melinda didn’t have the guts to turn around and see who or what was behind her so she decided not to do it. The loud breathing was right beside her ear now. She could hear slight growling in the breathing pattern as well. A coarse female voice whispered in Melinda’s ear, “Melinda!” The voice called. The shock prevented Melinda from moving her body. “Melinda!” The voice was getting louder and Melinda was also getting pale with fear.
The Furnace
“MELINDA!!” There was a certain sternness to the voice that time. Melinda couldn’t utter any words or move her muscles as she was horror-struck. Whoever was standing behind Melinda, couldn’t wait anymore. A burnt hand clutched Melinda’s shoulder and turned her around. Melinda immediately fainted after seeing what was behind her. The face was hardly recognizable due to the burns but she was sure, she saw the burnt body of Adrima Durga, the first cremation of her new crematorium.
When Melinda came back to her senses, she found herself trapped in a closed space. Her claustrophobia kicked in and she was hyperventilating. She tried to calm herself down and focused on where she was. She saw a dozen burners on top of her. Melinda realized that was inside the furnace! Melinda heard a loud tick sound of the furnace timer. As a result, she figured out that the burners were about to be switched on. Therefore, she pushed the glass door with her hand and crawled out immediately. The burner fire almost caught her right leg as she tried to get out but fortunately, it didn’t.
most haunted place on earth
Melinda heard the same humming sound while she was catching her breath. Conditioned by the fear that gripped her the last time she heard this sound, she made a break for it. She burst open the crematory door and started running towards the exit. She picked up the pace since she could still hear the humming sound and the faint whispers of her name. Now the whispers of her name were also coming from the graves around her.
She was almost at the gate when something pulled her back with great force. It was the ghost of Adrima Durga. Melinda fell beside an open grave. The tombstone of the grave read –

Before she could comprehend what was going to happen to her, the ghost shoved her body into the open grave and the coffin door bolted shut. Melinda kept shouting help on the top of her lungs but the coffin coupled with mud on top of it provided no help whatsoever. Her claustrophobia as well as the shock of what had happened gripped her as she tried to breathe every last bit of oxygen that she could get.
Unfortunately, the air wasn’t enough to keep her alive and the most haunted place on earth got its first victim.