Making life crispy since 2011

Tag: creepy (page 2 of 4)

The Misdeed – Next Morning

The next morning everyone was packed and ready to get the hell out of the place before anyone finds out about the body. Nadia was packing my bags when a servant walked in and said in a funny African accent, “Ma’am there is a problem with the plane.”

That got my heart racing. I double checked, “What?”

He said again, “There is a problem with the plane. You people would not be able to take off in the plane today.”

“When will it be ready?” asked Nadia.

“If we work non-stop we can get it ready in 3 days. I think till then we can look for Melissa ma’am.” he said.

Nadia said, “What?… oh yeah sure… we’ll look for Melissa till then. You put your men to work.”

When the servant walked away, she said, “What are we gonna do now? The body will start to stink in 3 days and the villagers will find the body. What do we do? What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO?”

“Stop freaking out!!!” I said,  “Everything will be okay. We’ll bring the body back and put it in the refrigerator in the basement so that it doesn’t stink. Then we’ll take it back the night before we will go from here.”

“Okay… Take Randy and get the body back then!” she said being paranoid.

I said, “We can’t bring her in broad daylight. Everybody will see her. We’ll do it at night when no one’s around. Till then we just have to pass time.”

We told the news to the others and they didn’t take it well. I calmed them down and promised that I would get everyone out of this safe and no one will go to prison. Randy believed me although others still didn’t. Anyways all of decided to catch some sleep as no one had any last night…

Stay tuned for more crisp…

The Misdeed – Things go wrong

So the plan was to take Melissa into the jungle at night. All of us had told her that we were going to watch a beautiful flower that blooms at night only and she bought it and was ready to go with us.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

The way to the place had so many trees that only one person could walk at a time. Nadia followed by me and Melissa was leading the way. One by one the rest of the group kept returning to the cottage.Melissa looked back and found no one behind her. It was only Nadia, her and me left. Melissa using her horrified voice said, “Guys? Where are the others?”

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The Misdeed – It All Started When

It all started when some of my friends and I decided to scare the scaredy cat of our group. We planned a trip to visit the dense forest of amazon. I had everything planned with a little help from Nadia (my girlfriend). It was her father’s private jet which took us with our six other friends including the scaredy cat Melissa.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

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The Misdeed – Introduction

In this post I’ll tell you something about my new story, the misdeed. The only thing that you should know is that one of my friends on the late orkut shared this story with me. He said it was true.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

I don’t know how much was so I have added some touches to spice the story up a little more. Now I’m writing it in a narrative style but the ‘I’ in the story is not me but the orkut friend. For keeping his name anonymous, I’ll be calling him Dan Brown.

The other characters of this horror story will be revealed as we go further. Once again thanks to all the readers for all your support.

Stay tuned for more crisp…

The Mystery of the Creepy Island – The Full Moon Night

Two nights went away just like that. Everyone was helping Natasha to cope up with her loss. She couldn’t take it. Her brother was gone. Just like that. Natasha and the others were now ready for the task at hand. Saving Dazz. Natasha said, “So when is the full moon night?”

“According to my calculations,” said Luthor, “It is tonight.”

“Tonight?” said Rachel, “How are we going to find this Doctor?”

Luthor said, “We won’t find him. He will come to us. Even if he has a human in him, he’s still an animal. He craves for human blood. We can leave some blood as bait.”

“Great idea darling. But where would you bring so much blood from?” said Natalie.

Natasha said, “I think we have abundance of blood in us. Even if we give out a few glasses, it won’t make us weak.”

“Okay then it’s decided. Before the moon comes up we are killing the doc.” said Luthor.

Luthor went behind the house to fetch all their weapons. They were gone! Only the silver sword was there. He brought it back and said, “The weapons are gone. I think the doc took them all behind our back. He couldn’t touch the sword though because it didn’t have any covering . He would have had a direct exposure to silver. So this means we only have the sword.”

Their plan was ready. It was night fall. They could hear a growl. Natalie, Natasha, Rachel and Rajesh were in the hut. Luthor was down near the blood but in hiding. They heard some animal running towards the blood. Luthor was ready to attack. It was a werewolf. Luthor attacked but the werewolf dodged and converted back to human. It was Dazz. He said, “Hey man watch it!”

Luthor said, “Go and hide somewhere. I’m waiting for your creator.”

“Good idea. I’ll go upstairs and protect the guys.”

There was growling and running again. This time it was definitely the doc. As the doc entered. Luthor stayed in hiding. He knew that as Dazz caught him, the doc would too. So not ruining the element of surprise. He came up from the back. The moon had already come up but it was blocked by clouds. He had very little time left. As he made his move the doc heard him and turned around. He picked him up and the sword fell from his hand.

Dazz was watching from the hut had to do something. He ran down, transformed and pushed the doc. The doc let go of Luthor and went towards Dazz. Rachel couldn’t stand it. She ran towards the doc, picked up the sword and came in between the doc and Dazz. She used the sword and put it right into his mouth.

Luthor got up and ran upstairs. Dazz saw what happened. The clouds were out. They were too late but nothing was happening to Dazz. He was perfectly human. It was someone else. As the doc fell down defeated, he bit Rachel and a bite doesn’t need the moon. She became the monster and growled. Below her was Dazz, her beloved.

But she was an animal now. An animal with the hunger of the human heart. She picked Dazz up. The others quickly ran towards the shore. While they were going, Rachel pulled Dazz’s body apart. She tasted his blood and she enjoyed it. Deep inside she regretted it but she couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth of her dead boyfriend’s blood. She growled with joy and tore Dazz into pieces, having each one of them with relish.

Others could hear Dazz’s death. Fortunately when they reached the shore, they found a ship passing by. They boarded the ship and were the only survivors from the Creepy Island. They would live to tell the story although no one would believe it…


Stay tuned for more crisp…