Making life crispy since 2011

Tag: jungle (page 2 of 2)

The Misdeed – Things go wrong

So the plan was to take Melissa into the jungle at night. All of us had told her that we were going to watch a beautiful flower that blooms at night only and she bought it and was ready to go with us.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

The way to the place had so many trees that only one person could walk at a time. Nadia followed by me and Melissa was leading the way. One by one the rest of the group kept returning to the cottage.Melissa looked back and found no one behind her. It was only Nadia, her and me left. Melissa using her horrified voice said, “Guys? Where are the others?”

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The Misdeed – It All Started When

It all started when some of my friends and I decided to scare the scaredy cat of our group. We planned a trip to visit the dense forest of amazon. I had everything planned with a little help from Nadia (my girlfriend). It was her father’s private jet which took us with our six other friends including the scaredy cat Melissa.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

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The Misdeed – Introduction

In this post I’ll tell you something about my new story, the misdeed. The only thing that you should know is that one of my friends on the late orkut shared this story with me. He said it was true.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

I don’t know how much was so I have added some touches to spice the story up a little more. Now I’m writing it in a narrative style but the ‘I’ in the story is not me but the orkut friend. For keeping his name anonymous, I’ll be calling him Dan Brown.

The other characters of this horror story will be revealed as we go further. Once again thanks to all the readers for all your support.

Stay tuned for more crisp…